Python - advanced Python
Argument Lists
Variable Argument Lists
def custom_print(*args):
for i in args:
print("output:", i)
Keyword Arguments
def custom_print2(**kwargs):
for k,v in kwargs.items():
>>>custom_print2(ocelot="awesome", warbler="bird")
Star Magic
args = ["apple", "banana", "dog"]
func1(args) #not enough parameters
func1(*args) #a is "apple", b is "banana", c is "dog"
- Length of list must agree with number of parameters to function
d = {'a':10,'b':12, 'c':13}
func1(d) #not enough parameters
func1(**d) #a to 10, b to 12, c to 13
#based on keyword, NOT position
Tips and Tricks
Don’t use star magic without a good reason
Star magic will not be required for CPL assignments
Keyword parameters must come after positional parameters
Arbitrary arg list comes after positional args, but before kwargs
Arbitrary keyword arg lists come after listed keyword args
- Ex:
def func(a, b, *args, d=10, e=11, **kwargs)
- Ex:
Generator Functions
Easy way to make a custom iterable
When called, returns an object of type ‘generator’
Like any iteragle, yields one item at a time
Determines next item on-the-fly
Cannot index or slice generator objects
def count_forever(start=0):
i = start
while True:
yield i
i += 1
for x in count_forever(): #prints numbers up to ten
if x == 10:
- If execution of generator stops, acts just like end of list
- In context of loop
def to_binary(it): #would have solved coding interview challenge in 3 lines...
for x in it:
yield bin(x)
g = count_to(10)
for x in g:
for y in g:
print(x) #nothing will print, generator depleted
- Once generators are depleted, they can no longer return
- This can be avoided by calling the function, rather than assiging and referring to an object
def first_n(num,it):
'''Yields the first num items from it.
counter = 0
for x in it:
if counter < num:
yield x
counter += 1
Generator Expressions
nums = (bin(x) for x in it) #it is an iterable, nums is a generator
nums = (bin(x) for x in range(5))
- Generator expressions can have filters:
nums = (bin(x) for x in range(5) if x % 2 == 0)
- Generator expressions can have multiple returns:
g = ((x,y) for x in range(3) for y in range(3))
This will act like nested for loops
g = ((x,y) for x in range(3) for y in range(x))
This makes weird garbage
- You can generate generators:
g = (((x,y) for x in range(3)) for y in range (3))
List Comprehensions
[int(x) for x in ["10", "20"]]
List comprehensions are like generators that return lists
Dict Comprehensions
{k: k.upper() for k in ["a", "b"]}
This is a thing I didn’t know I needed.