Healy Inkorperated

Notes and Other Thoughts

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Object-Oriented Programming

Prototypes, Not Classes

JS does not have classes, per se It is prototype oriented.

Instead of defining a class, we build up a ‘prototype.’

We will still refer to the new types we define as classes, but keep in mind that they are not like classes in C++ or Python.

The class Keyword

JavaScript classes were introduced in ES6 and they are syntactical sugar over JavaScript’s existing protype based inheritance.

The class syntax is not introducting a new object-oriented inheritance model to JavaScript.


A constructor in JavaScript is ‘just’ a function that happens to be called with the new operator.

JavaScript uses functions as constructors for objects.

Define a function to start working on a new type.


var Frog = function() {
  // this example does nothing and has no properties

var jim = new Frog();
console.log(jim); // Frog{}

Example with attributes:

var Frog = function(name) {
  this.name = name;

var jim = new Frog('jim');
console.log(jim); // Frog{name:'jim'}

Behind the Scenes

when you use the new keyword, it creates a new object within the scope of the constructor known as this, which is returned at the end of the function.


typeof(jim); // 'object'

This is the case for any custom object in JavaScript.

Adding methods to objects

var Frog = function(name) {
  this.name = name;
  this.x = 0;
  this.y = 0;

Frog.prototype.hopNorth = function() { // the prototype attribute must be modified

Frog.prototype.hopSouth = function() {

Frog.prototype.hopEast = function() {

Frog.prototype.hopWest = function() {

var jim = new Frog('jim');
console.log(jim); // Frog{name:'jim', x:0, y:0}
console.log(jim); // Frog{name:'jim', x:0, y:1}


Methods added will still be callable on objects instantiated before the methods were added.

On Inheritance

If you want to do any inheritance, assign methods to a type’s prototype as shown previously.

JavaScript permits single-inheritance.

Search ‘prototype chain’ for more information.